Call for Posters

„Something New is on the Horizon“

Call for Posters

All participants are invited to submit their abstract for POSTER PRESENTATIONS.

Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2025.

Abstract can be submitted on-line after registering for ACTIVE participation.

The 1st authors of accepted posters will have their registration fee waived.


Please use the submission form to upload your abstract.

  • maximum of 2500 characters (including spaces)
  • abstract text structured into Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusion
  • name and surname without titles (e.g. John Doe)
  • list author's affiliation(s) (e.g. Dept. of Cardiology, Great University)
  • secondary affiliation can be added after saving
  • co-authors can be added after saving
  • repeating affiliation can be selected from the list
  • if submitted by a co-author the presenting author shall be marked with an asterisk (e.g.* John Doe)

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